Tag Archives: Swiss train

Photo Essay – Riding through the snow in a Swiss train

19 Apr

Our last day in Switzerland was a wonderful surprise with the first snowfall of the season in Zermatt and its surrounding areas. We were leaving Zermatt for Zurich that day and experienced our first snowfall in Zermatt that morning. We then had a beautiful train ride back wherein we saw the entire landscape once again turning white, trees laden with snow and various moods of snow fall – from a gentle fall to heavy lashes. This train ride was also special as when we had arrived in Zermatt we had seen the same area as green (Read – A Scenic Alpine train journey to Zermatt) and its transformation, on the ride back, was like being lucky to be able to witness summer and winter in a single trip.

And sharing my pics of some of these stunning sights below –

1. Just in a matter of hours, we were transported into Snow Queen’s Snow kingdom with layers of snow covering everything in its sight.

Snow covered trees and ground

Snow covered trees and ground

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