A Big Thanks for the Blog Awards… Part 1

28 Dec
It makes me giddy (with elation),
It makes me laugh (with happiness),
Because you want my autograph (for all these awards).

 These numerous blog awards have done this to me, wherein I am reminded of this childhood jingle that we used to sing at receiving any awards for our academic accomplishments. Today, I am super happy and elated that my blog (which is less than a year old) has received so much appreciation, recognition and a variety of blog awards. In this short time span, blogging has come to mean the world to me wherein I have made new friends, shared my travel stories with other bloggers, had new adventures while reading posts of other bloggers and most of all writing in my own way. So here’s a big thank you to all of you who have been following, reading, commenting, nominating and visiting this small space of mine…

 For simplicity, I have compiled a list of all the awards that I have received in the last 9 months and will write 2 blog posts to thank all the bloggers who have nominated me and to nominate other blogs for these awards. So here we go –

 The Kreativ Blogger Award – I would like to thank TheBurntMap for this award and honor, in April 2012 (when I was hardly 4 months old). You should visit his blog at http://trippinonlife.wordpress.com/the-burnt-what-2/  to follow his travel chronicles all over India.


 Here are the rules for the Kreativ Blogger Award:
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award. (done, above)
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. (Done)
3. Link the person who has nominated you for the award. (done)
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting – Well, I feel that 7 random things about me that people might find interesting is as follows –
a) I always wish that everyday had more than 24 hours to be able to accommodate so many more things that I would like to fit in it – travel, baking, crafts, meeting friends, reading, etc etc.
b) I am crazily crazy about travel and going worse by each passing day.
c) My travel motto for 2013 is “Offbeat Budget travel” and I am constantly looking for new destinations to travel with this theme.
d) I love to walk around aimlessly in any new city to get a feel / understanding of the place and in my way get acquainted with it.
e) I love hunting for vegetarian / vegan food in all places that I travel to and hope to create a small guide on it someday.
f) I love baking, reading and making crafty stuff and I hope to start blogging on that too soon.
g) I have lately developed a shoe fetish and am constantly buying new shoes
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers – I would now like to nominate the following 7 bloggers who I follow and love to read.
a) Rachel and her travels at http://pennilesstraveler.com/ 
b) A must visit blog before you plan to travel to any new city – http://travelculturefood.wordpress.com/ 
c) Raunak’s insights on numerous topics such as philosophy, travels, India at http://doakonsult.wordpress.com/ 
d) Fae’s stories on travel, recipes and food at http://faestwistandtango.wordpress.com/ 
e) Niranjan’s beautiful travel stories and pictures at http://rajniranjandas.blogspot.in/ 
f) Anil’s travel stories at http://exxtracts.wordpress.com/ 
g) Shantaya’s travels with her pink backpack at http://thepinkexpat.com/
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate (Done)
7. Leave a comment on the blogs to let them know they have been nominated (will do)

The Versatile Blogger Award – I would like to thank Janice Heck for this award and honor in May 2012. You can follow her blog at http://janiceheck.wordpress.com/ for stories on various topics ranging from travel, weather, social media to recipes, reading, poetry etc etc. I have already written a  blog post on this award previously and you can read it at – Post for Versatile Blogger award.



The Very Inspiring Blogger Award – I would like to thank Managuagunntoday and Rachel – Thepennilesstraveler for this award in July and August respectively. You can follow Managuagunntoday for their travel adventures at http://managuagunntoday.wordpress.com/ and Rachel – thepennilesstraveler for her unusual travel stories at http://pennilesstraveler.com/


The rules for The Very Inspiring Blog Award are as follows:
1.  Display the award logo on your blog (Done)
2.  Link back to the person who nominated you (Done)
3.  State 7 things about yourself – I have mentioned 7 random things about myself in the Kreativ Blogger Award section above.
4.  Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them – my nomination for 15 other inspiring bloggers is as follows –
  1. Read her story and follow Pommepal on her adventures in Matilda across Australia and New Zealand at http://pommepal.wordpress.com/
  2. Follow Jodi on her one big adventure at http://travelwithjodi.com/
  3. Follow this gal on her unusual trips on http://galontrip.wordpress.com/whats-this/
  4. I stumbled on this blog accidentally too. A relatively new but inspiring blog http://accidentaldesigns.wordpress.com/ 
  5. Terris creativity at http://timetobeinspired.wordpress.com/ 
  6. Travel with Bron via Europe, Asia and Russia at http://digibron.wordpress.com/ 
  7. Daniel and Kelly’s travels at http://danielandkellytravel.com/ 
  8. Michael’s travel tales and photographs at http://traveling4numbers.com/ 
  9. Leemajors travel stories at http://wanderfulescapades.com/
  10. Kelly’s travels at http://compassandcamera.wordpress.com/
  11. Todd, Alisa and their kids’s travels at http://atlashaditeasy.com/
  12. Christian Mihai at http://cristianmihai.net/category/blog/
  13. Get crafty with http://hobbyfabulous.wordpress.com/
  14. Meet the roamers at http://riseandroam.com/
  15. Read on Rosie’s travels at http://rosieroundtheworld.wordpress.com/
5.  Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements. (will do)


The Super sweetness blogging award –  I would like to thank Denise for this award and honor in August 2012. You can follow her blog with mouth-watering dishes and recipes at http://denisefoodblog.wordpress.com/


a)       Give credit to the wonderful person who chose to nominate you. (done)
b)      Answer the “Super Sweet” questions below –
  1. Cookies or Cake?  Has to be both as I just can’t resist either.
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla? Undoubtedly Chocolate. I love chocolate in all kinds and forms.
  3. What is your favorite sweet treat? It is an Indian sweet called Gajjar ka halwa (made from minced carrots, sugar and milk) and my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
  4. When do you crave sweet things the most? Most after lunch and dinner. It’s in my genes 🙂
  5. If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be? My sweet nickname would be Meethi, which means sweet in Hindi.

c)       Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen” of 13 blogs – My nominations for this are as follows –

  1. Andy the photographer, traveler, chef at http://snapflycook.wordpress.com/
  2. Julie’s poems and recipes at http://writingontherim.wordpress.com/
  3. Hungry Travel Girl at http://hungrytravelgirl.wordpress.com/
  4. Traveler Chris at http://travellerchris.wordpress.com/
  5. Sandy’s blog on cooking and health food at http://eat-o-live.com/
  6. Follow Carol at http://foodandotherstuff.com/
  7. Paupers without travel at http://pauperswithouttravel.com/
  8. Awesome recipes at http://thehungrymum.wordpress.com/
  9. Rhonda Sittig at http://thethankfulheart.wordpress.com/  
  10. A Cultural Journey in the Kitchens of the World at http://cookingintongues.com/author/baidanbi/
  11. Cuisine de R’unique at http://therunique.wordpress.com/
  12. Vegan cooking at http://cooktolove.com/
  13. Pahari S at http://paharidotme.wordpress.com/


The Illuminating Blogger Award – I would like to thank Fae for nominating me for this award in August 2012. You can follow her stories on travel, food and some mouth-watering recipes at http://faestwistandtango.wordpress.com/

light bulb concept

The rules of the award are:
1  Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you (Done)
2  Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back (done)
3  Share a random thing about yourself – I have mentioned 7 random things about myself in the Kreativ Blogger Award section above.
4  Select 5 or more nominees for the award, a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs – My 5 nominations are as follows –
a)       Grackle & sun – http://grackleandsun.wordpress.com/ 
b)      From “curiosita” to – http://denisec88.wordpress.com/
c)       Myau Myau’s photo gallery – http://myaukun.wordpress.com/
d)      Sumithra  Sriram – http://hearingwiththeeye.wordpress.com/
e)       Mark’s take on China – http://reflectionsofchina.wordpress.com/
5  Copy and paste the award on your blog somewhere (done)

The Adventurous Blogger Award – I would like to thank Reenareigns for nominating me for this award in September 2012. You can follow her journey at http://reenareigns.wordpress.com/


Now, to accept the award, I have to answer the following questions:
  1. In which country or region would you like your next adventure to be? I would like to visit Africa soon. I have heard a lot about it but have not been there yet.
  2. Where would you recommend for an adventurous time? New Zealand
  3. Most interesting culture: Each culture is unique and worth exploring in its own way.
  4. Favorite activity: Interacting with locals and shopping for souvenirs.
  5. Most dangerous risk taken: I am a risk averse traveler 
  6. Favorite quotation:  “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
  7. Happiness is: the joy in being content with what you have and constantly discovering new things

The next step is to nominate 12 bloggers who I think are worthy of this award and to inform them about their nominations. So my nominations are as follows –

  1. Cheryls’s travels in Sri Lanka – http://cherylandandysrilanka2012.wordpress.com/
  2. Janet, the Journalist on the run – http://janetnewenham.wordpress.com/
  3. Khoa and Michelle’s adventures in Japan – http://youmeandatanuki.wordpress.com/
  4. Pinoy’s Travels at http://pinoyontheroad.com/about/
  5. Leah’s Travels in Florence at http://isleahhere.wordpress.com/
  6. Meg Travels at http://megtraveling.com/
  7. Leandra’s travels all over Middle East and Asia at http://adbenturera.wordpress.com/
  8. Tonito’s travels at http://travellingtonito.wordpress.com/
  9. Miranda’s travel stories at http://spendyourdays.wordpress.com/
  10. Follow Katy in Prague and around at http://praguebykaty.wordpress.com/
  11. Travel with beautiful pics at http://edithlevyphotography.com/
  12. Sliced Science at http://slicedscience.wordpress.com/

Part 2 of more awards and nominations to follow soon 🙂

39 Responses to “A Big Thanks for the Blog Awards… Part 1”

  1. grackleandsun December 28, 2012 at 14:01 #

    Congratulations on such well deserved awards, and thank you for sharing the love!


    • getsetandgo December 28, 2012 at 14:59 #

      Thanks.. I was unable to comment on your post this morning about your nomination, but will do it by eod today.


  2. edithlevyphotography December 28, 2012 at 21:08 #

    Thank you so much for nominating me. I truly appreciate it.


    • getsetandgo December 29, 2012 at 23:14 #

      You are welcome and the award is well deserved 🙂


  3. megtraveling December 29, 2012 at 02:55 #

    Congratulations on all your awards! And thank you for the nomination – I’m really honored… 🙂


    • getsetandgo December 29, 2012 at 23:16 #

      Thanks and your award is truly well deserved 🙂


  4. throughenglisheyesmark December 29, 2012 at 09:13 #

    Hi Snigdha,

    Congratulations on being awarded soooo many awards 🙂 Well deserved I must say, well done 🙂
    Thank you for nominating me for the illuminating blogger award, you nomination is certainly appreciated as is your following for my blogs. I made a decision many months ago not to take part in award acceptance criteria due to the time it takes to take part…I hope you understand my take on this?…I am humbled by your nomination of my blog though and take this opportunity to wish you a Very Happy New Year and continued success for your lovely blog.



    • getsetandgo December 29, 2012 at 23:18 #

      Thanks Mark for the kind words and I understand your decision…. Wishing you a very happy new year 2013 and I look forward to reading more of your tales in this new year 🙂


  5. pwtravelblog December 29, 2012 at 09:25 #

    Thank you so much for the nomination. That is very sweet and is so sincerely appreciated. Look forward to hearing more about your adventures in 2013.


  6. friendlytm December 29, 2012 at 13:48 #

    The Illuminating Blogger Award – Another Year-End Award. Thank You!

    Thank you for your nomination. Here’s my post.


  7. Fae's Twist & Tango December 30, 2012 at 12:54 #

    Congratulations, Snigdha for well deserved many awards! Thank you and do appreciate your nominatio! Thanks to you, I will spread the love to a few more people, soon. 😀 ))) Fae.


  8. Anshul December 30, 2012 at 18:18 #

    Congratulations for all the wonderful awards! And thanks for introducing me to so many other amazing blogs, I would have many sleepless night trawling through them now! 😀

    And Happy new year 2013, Cheers!


    • getsetandgo December 30, 2012 at 20:27 #

      Thanks Anshul and thats the intent 😉 Wishing you too a very happy new year 2013


  9. Bella Remy Photography January 2, 2013 at 06:18 #

    Your award roster is nothing short of spectacular. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to enjoy your wonderful blog and to explore the many bloggers you have awarded here today. Bella


    • getsetandgo January 2, 2013 at 10:31 #

      Hi Bella, sincerely appreciate your kinds awards on my blog and the blog awards… It just made my day and the start of this year even better 🙂


  10. Juliana Lightle January 7, 2013 at 01:59 #

    I want to thank you for nominating me for the Super Sweetness Blogging Award. Now, if I can just figure out how to do all the things and post it on my blog sidebar…It has occurred to me on numerous occasions that I need better technical skills to make my blog what I want it to be, but I do not know many with the expertise I want. Oh, well…It’s a new year and I will learn new skills.


  11. pommepal January 10, 2013 at 16:29 #

    A big thank you for the award you have passed on to me I am a little late in replying, slow internet and Christmas got in the way but now Christmas has gone for another 12 months and we have just had cable internet installed so I am in computer heaven and can at last start catching up with all my blogging friends. 🙂


    • getsetandgo January 11, 2013 at 17:00 #

      Hey Pommepal… the award is very well deserved and I look forward to reading more on your travels in 2013…


      • pommepal January 12, 2013 at 06:00 #

        Thank you, travelling will have to wait till it cools down abit in Aussie


  12. rommel January 12, 2013 at 23:26 #

    Congratulation! More power and have fun blogging!


  13. Bron January 13, 2013 at 17:01 #

    Thank you so much for the Very Inspiring Blogger award nomination! I’ve posted about it here:

    2012 blogging year in review and two more awards



    • getsetandgo January 14, 2013 at 14:56 #

      Hi Bron, thanks for the very kind words in your post about my blog. I look forward to reading more of your travels in 2013…


  14. msdulce January 15, 2013 at 04:49 #

    Look at you & all your awards! Congratulations, they are most definitely well-deserved. 🙂 Thank you so much for the nomination- I can’t wait to check out the other nominees… you’ve given me a lot of good reading for tonight!


    • getsetandgo January 15, 2013 at 14:35 #

      Hey, this award is well deserved and I look forward to reading more interesting posts in 2013… 🙂


  15. getsetandgo December 29, 2012 at 23:19 #

    Thanks 🙂


  16. getsetandgo January 6, 2013 at 17:30 #

    Thanks Fae 🙂


  17. getsetandgo January 6, 2013 at 17:42 #

    Hey Katy, thanks for introducing me to some more awesome blogs… I will now spend quite a few hours exploring them…. 🙂



  1. The Illuminating Blogger Award – Another Year-End Award. Thank You! | My Notebook - December 29, 2012

    […] I received another Year-End Award which is a pleasant surprise to me.   I would like to thank Snigdha for nominating me for the Illuminating Blogger Award.  Please check […]


  2. Kreativ Blogger Award « Fae's Twist & Tango - January 4, 2013

    […] of    Get Set and Go    for nominating me for Kreativ Blogger […]


  3. PragueByKaty Blog « PragueByKaty - January 4, 2013

    […] Adventurous Blogger Award from Snigdha at her GETSETANDGO blog here. […]


  4. 2012 blogging year in review and two more awards | dinosaurs can't knit - January 13, 2013

    […] big thank you to Snigdha of Get Set And Go for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Get Set And Go is a travel blog with a particular focus on […]


  5. My blogging journey completes 1 year « getsetandgo - January 23, 2013

    […] I have already written my blog post for this award and you can read it at The Very Inspiring Blog Award.  […]


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